Genesis Class

This class starts Wednesday, Jan 11, 2023, and goes for 13 weeks, finishing on or around April 5.

Class starts 6:30 pm and ends 8:00 pm.

Online Audio and Video Resources

This class has a number of additional online media resources. Click here to view them. To open any links in a new Tab or new Window, right-click the link and make your selection.

A few words about Creation vs. Naturalism

Naturalism (which includes concepts such as the Big Bang Theory, Evolutionary Theory, Critical Race Theory, Climate Change Theory) is not "science". Science is observable and repeatable. None of these theories is observable, repeatable, or proven. Hence Naturalism is not "Science". It is simply another religion requiring the faithful to believe. So, when comparing Creationism with Naturalism, you are not comparing Christianity with Science. You are comparing Christianity with another religion (albeit a false one). Those claiming Naturalism is science do not understand what science is.

Week 1 - January 11, 2023

Introduction to Genesis

Overview: Genesis 1-11


  • Origin and age of the universe
  • The creation of man
  • The sanctity of life
  • What is the nature of God? What is He like?
  • God's design and purpose for marriage
  • What is sin, and where does it come from?
  • What does God require of us?
  • Why is there evil in the world?
  • Why is there suffering and death?
  • Why was there a world-wide flood?
  • Where did the races and nationalities come from?
  • Why are there so many different languages in the world?

Do you have a customized worldview?

State of Theology Survey (Click on the Data Explorer link)

Ken Hamm Message at Truth Matters Conference


Week 2 - January 18, 2023

Creation of the World - Genesis 1:1 - 2:2

Genesis: Chapter 1 Reading

Sermon: Creation: Believe It or Not, Part 1

Sermon: Creation: Believe It or Not, Part 2

Week 3 - January 25, 2023

Adam and Eve - Genesis 2:3 - 2:25

Sermon: Genesis Chapter Two - John MacArthur

As you listen to the Hebrew reading of Genesis Chapter Two, in the following recording, listen for the following words:

  • Adonai - Lord
  • Elohim - God
  • Shabbat - Sabbath
  • Nephesh - Soul
  • Adam - Man (proper name)
  • Adamah - earth, as in dust or dirt
  • Ish - man (a man's function, in the sense of a husband)
  • Ishshah - woman (a woman's function, in the sense of a wife)

Torah Reading Genesis 2

A look at the Hebrew Roots for "ish" and "ishshah", see

  • אנש => "ish" 

    • The root of ISH has a single meaning, that of man as an individual
  • איש => "ishshah"

    • The root for ISHSHAH has three potential meanings:
      • the root as a verb means "weak" or "weaker"
      • the root as a root has the sense of "friendly, or social"
      • the root in cognate languages (similar to ancient Hebrew) means "soft"

Week 4 - February 1, 2023

The Fall Of Man - Genesis 3:1 - 3:24

"As soon as one does not completely, unreservedly, and wholeheartedly trust in the wisdom and absolute goodness of God, as soon as one does not believe that the purposes and the commands of God are for our best and highest joy, sin has entered the heart. Because anything less than loving the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength is sin." - John MacArthur

Class Notes

Sermon: The Fall of Man, Part 1 - John MacArthur

Sermon: The Fall of Man, Part 2 - John MacArthur

Theologian William Lane Craig mocks the Genesis story and says why he doesn't "want" it to be true

Week 5 - February 8, 2023

Cain and Abel - Genesis 4:1-8

  • "If I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people (Russia), I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 1983

Class Notes

Cain: The Portrait of a Doomed Sinner, Part 1

Week 6 - February 15, 2023

The First Murder and Its Consequences - Genesis 4:8-16

Class Notes

Cain: The Portrait of a Doomed Sinner, Part 2

Further Study: The Origin of Society - Genesis 4:17-26

The Origin of Society, Part 1

The Origin of Society, Part 2 

Week 7 - February 22, 2023

Preview - The Generations of Adam - Genesis Chapter 5

Class Notes

Genesis 5 Graphical Timeline

Sermon, The Generations of Adam

The following genealogy traces Joseph back to Abraham. This establishes his kingship rights, since his earthly father is descended from David, and there are many kings in his lineage:

Genealogy of Jesus through Joseph According to Matthew

The following genealogy traces Mary (wife of Joseph) back to Adam. This establishes that he is the promised seed of Eve that will crush the serpent's head:

Genealogy of Jesus through Mary according to Luke

Noah and the Ark - Genesis Chapter 6

Gen 6:1-4: Demonic Invasion

The Destruction of Mankind, Part 1, Gen 6:5-12

The Destruction of Mankind, Part 2, Gen 6:5-12

Human fossils?

Noah's Arc of Faith, Gen 6:13-22

Week 8 - The Great Flood - March 1, 2023

Genesis Chapters 7-8

Class Notes

The Genesis Account of Noah's Ark - Video Series

Judgment on the Horizon, Gen 7:1-5

The Flood of Judgment, Gen 7:6-16

The Power of Divine Judgment in the Global Flood, Gen 7:17-8:5

God's Miraculous Restoration of Mankind, Gen 8:6-22


Week 9 - The First Covenant - March 8, 2023

Genesis 9:1-17

Class Notes

Life and Death in the New World, Gen 9:1-7

God's Rainbow Covenant, Gen 9:8-17

Rainbows are caused by both refraction and reflection inside of raindrops. Sunlight enters the raindrop at about 48 degrees. Inside the drop it hits the back of the drop at about 21 degrees to the perpendicular, so instead of refracting, it reflects, creating an optimal 42 degree angle, and then exits the drop refracting again. Red light travels the fastest so is bent the least when it crosses the refractive interface. Violet bends the most.

To see a rainbow, the sun must be behind you. The colors you see are reflected off the back side of millions of raindrops. As an observer looking up, the drops lower in the sky display violet to you, and the drops higher in the sky display red to you. The curve of the bow is created based on the sun's position relative to the raindrops and the observer, and the fact that violet bends more than red, and hence appears as the color on the inside of the rainbow.

Week 10 - The Sons of Noah - March 15, 2023

Genesis 9:18-29

Class Notes

The Sin of Noah

The Polarizing Effect of Canaan's Curse

Your Brain on Drugs: Alcohol

Week 11 - Heritage and Family - March 22, 2023

Genesis 10:1-32

Class Notes

Sermon-History in the New World

Indo-European Language Tree

Love Your Neighbor in Aramaic

World Map of Y-DNA Haplogroups

Week 12 - The Tower of Babel - March 29, 2023

Genesis 11:1-9

Class Notes

Judgment of the Rebellion at Babel, Part 1

Judgment of the Rebellion at Babel, Part 2

Paganism and Promise


The Descendents of Shem

Genesis 11:10-32

  • Noah was still alive when Abraham walked the earth!
  • Shem could have held Jacob in his lap as a young lad!
  • See the chart below

Adam to Joseph Age Chart


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