Genesis Class - Online Audio and Video Resources

Here we have included a number of audio and video resources to help you with your study of Genesis.

Start with these two highly recommended one-hour sermons by John MacArthur:

John MacArthur: The Challenge of Science

John MacArthur: Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering and Evil?

The following two-hour documentary looks at the veracity of the Genesis creation account by scientifically examining various aspects of the Genesis account, from worldwide geological evidence for a global flood to the original Hebrew meaning of the text of Genesis to biblical geneologies to modern denial of a young earth, despite overwhelming evidence that supports a young earth.

Is Genesis History?

For those of you with scientific minds, struggling to understand how a literal six-day creation of the universe can be true when "science" seems to suggest billions of years, we suggest watching the following video from Creation Ministries International. This video explains how time, space and matter are all related (Einstein proved that with E=mc2), and that time runs faster the farther away it is from the center of universal gravity (gravitational time dilation - also Einstein). Allow the MP4 video to completely download, and then click on it  to play the video on your computer player.

Earth Time Video (19:47 min)

The Journey of Man - Dr. Spencer Wells

In this video documentary, a secular scientist explores man's origins by studying genetic markers that lead backward in time to man's origins. While some of his assumptions are not accurate from a biblical perspective (his worldview is unmistakably evolutionary, and his timeline for the history of "fully modern humans" is about 50,000 years), his conclusion is compelling; mankind has descended from an original pair of humans (Y-chromosomal Adam and Mitochondrlal Eve) located somehwere in North Africa, whose descendents left Africa "and set in motion the family tree of mankind, from them stem every color, creed, and nationality alive today". It's fascinating that a secular scientist's research validates the biblical account found in Genesis 1-11, yet Dr. Wells undoubtedly denies the authority and veracity of scripture.

The Journey of Man - A Genetic Odyssey (1:53:37)


Creation Week Deep Dive

This sermon series is highly recommended! For an in-depth bible exposition of the first 7 days of creation (Genesis 1:1 through 2:4), click on the links for the Genesis Sermon Series listed below. The downloads have been converted from cassette tape originals, so the audio quality is not perfect. These messages examine creation week in light of "scientific" objections to the creation story. The bible expositor is Richard H. Liverance, a Master's Seminary doctoral graduate, an expert on Israel, biblical exposition, biblical archeology, and creation science. Each message is about an hour in length.

To listen to the audio in a separate window, right-click each link and select "Open Link in New Window".

genesis-sermon1.mp325.69 MB
genesis-sermon2.mp322.7 MB
genesis-sermon3.mp325.63 MB
genesis-sermon4.mp323.02 MB
genesis-sermon5.mp327.44 MB
genesis-sermon6.mp324.03 MB
genesis-sermon7.mp321.17 MB
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genesis-sermon10.mp326.46 MB
genesis-sermon11.mp324.7 MB

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