Christian Faith and Character

It is impossible to do an exhaustive analysis of this topic in a small work like this. Hopefully, what has been presented in this study of the lives of three powerful Christians will lay the groundwork for future study on the topic. I had intended to profile at least one influential woman, and pursued research on both Amy Carmichael (British missionary to India) and Lottie Moon (American missionary to China), but had trouble finding autobiographical sources, which really are necessary for this type of profile. In the end, nine clear characteristics emerged that seem to be common key factors in the lives of these believers. Tags in the text surrounded by square brackets refer to these definitions which are presented here in no particular order.

Tag Keys Used Throughout the Site

  1. [OPEN] A demonstrated openness and curiosity. Teachable. Observant. Always ready to learn from others and search the scriptures to verify truth. Paul praised the Bereans for this quality[1]. It demonstrates an interest in learning from God.
  2. [FAITH] Faith, and not works, as the basis for forgiveness and answered prayer Paul restated Habakkuk, “the just shall live by faith”[2], and “not by works, lest any man should boast”[3]. It is amazing to see how much this very factor made such a difference in the lives of each these Christians. God honors true religion.
  3. [WORD] The authority of the Bible as God’s Word. Paul affirmed, “all scripture is God-breathed”[4]. These Christians staked their lives and their message on the authority of God’s Word.
  4. [SINGLE] A single-minded urgency to take care of the things of God in our life, and to do it now. Paul said, “this one thing I do”[5]. He was a one-eyed man; a man with a single purpose. He had his eye on the goal, and nothing would deter him.
  5. [SIN] A deep awareness of one’s own sinfulness. Coming to the end of oneself was key to the life transformation of each one. Paul exclaimed, “O wretched man that I am!.”[6] He recognized his utter dependence upon God for salvation, and so did each of these men.
  6. [SPIRIT] A recognition of and desire to be submitted to and empowered by the Spirit of God. Finney’s experience is reminiscent of Pentecost. The others acknowledged the key role of the Spirit in their ministries, and Nee wrote a three-volume work on the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. The mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.[7]
  7. [CALL] A clear and urgent call to be set apart for, and to serve Christ. Each of these believers had a clear call on their lives, two of them from a very young age. Paul himself began many letters, “Paul, called as an apostle” or “Paul, an apostle by the will of God”[8]. See also 2 Peter 1:10.
  8. [STAND] A willingness to stand firm and press ahead with the work God had given them, despite enormous opposition. Each of these men terrible trials and resistance, yet stood firm. Paul also admonished his churches to stand firm![9]
  9. [PRAY] A rich prayer life. Each of these men daily proved their deep relationship with their Creator through consistent prayer. Their devotion to prayer brings to mind Paul’s exhortation to “pray without ceasing.”[10] If we ever want to know how fulfilling that command is possible in our busy lives, we simply need to peek into their lives.

In each of the biographies studied, these characteristics come through loud and clear. I very much doubt this list is exhaustive, but it does bring to light key factors that make for a very powerful ministry. Those of us who desire to follow Christ would do well to follow their example. I, for one, know I need to develop my prayer life. At the end of the day I often find myself giving God my “leftovers”. My wife wouldn’t put up with that for very long! The next step for each of us would be to look down this list, and consider how well we are doing in our own lives compared to these influential men of God.

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