Lectures to Professing Christians

In 1836 and 1837, Charles G. Finney delivered a series of twenty-five powerful and controversial messages to Christians in New York City. Take a look at the titles of the messages! Needless to say, he created no small stir. Below are links to those messages. The messages are available in both text and computer-generated audio. There are also question sheets available for some of the lectures to enhance your further study, or to use in a classroom environment. We are continually adding question sheets and other resources. Click on the corresponding icon to open the resource. Enjoy learning from this man and his ministry!


 Text         Audio          Questions

Lectures in 1836

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 1 - Self Deceivers

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 2 - False Professors

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 3 - Doubtful Actions Are Sinful

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 4 - Reproof, a Christian Duty

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 5 - True Saints

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 6 - Legal Religion

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 7 - Religion of Public Opinion

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 8 - Conformity to the World

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 9 - True and False Repentance

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 10 - Dishonesty in Small Matters

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 11 - Bound to Know Your True Character


Lectures in 1837


 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 12 - True and False Conversions

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 13 - True Submission

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 14 - Selfishness Not True Religion

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 15 - Religion of the Law and Gospel

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 16 - Justification By Faith

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 17 - Sanctification By Faith

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 18 - Legal Experience

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 19 - Christian Perfection 1

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 20 - Christian Perfection 2

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 21 - The Way of Salvation

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 22 - The Necessity of Divine Teaching

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 23 - Love is the Whole of Religion

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 24 - Rest of the Saints

 Text   Audio   Questions  LECTURE 25 - Christ the Husband of the Church

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