Eschatology and the Book of Revelation

This class starts Wednesday, Jan 17, 2024, and goes for 15 weeks, including two breaks, finishing on April 24.

Class starts 6:30 pm and ends 7:45 - 8:00 pm. We will try to finish up by 7:45.

Online Audio and Video Resources

This class has a number of additional online media resources as links. To open any links in a new Tab or new Window, right-click the link and make your selection.

Questions? Text "Answers" anonymously to the QR code below:

A few words about the unique book of Revelation

Revelation is the only book in the Bible that pronounces a blessing on all those who read, hear, and heed the words of the prophecy (Rev 1:3). Yet, most Christians shy away from it because they think it is too difficult and confusing. In this class we’ll unwrap its mystery and will discover one of the most encouraging writings in the Bible; a preview of the not-too-distant future, showing us the glory ahead for all true believers, as well as a severe warning to those who turn away from God.

John's vision of the risen Christ

Topics and Schedule

1.         Jan 17            A Brief Biblical World History Pointing to Messiah (various verses)
2.         Jan 24            Author, Nature, and Purpose of the Revelation (Rev 1)
3.         Jan 31            Letters to the Seven Churches on Earth (Rev 2-3)
            Feb 7              -Break-
4.         Feb 14            The Rapture (John 14:1-4, 1 Cor 15:51-54, 1 Thes. 4:13-17)
5.         Feb 21            John is shown Heaven, and Christ is found worthy (Rev 4-5)
6.         Feb 28            Tribulation: The Seal Judgements (Rev 6-7)
7.         Mar 6              Tribulation: Trumpet Judgements and the Two Witnesses (Rev 8-11)
8.         Mar 13            Tribulation: Beasts, Bowl Judgements and Babylon Revealed (Rev 12-18)
9.         Mar 20            The Return of Christ and Armageddon (Rev 19)
10.       Mar 27            The Millennium (Rev 20:1-6)
            Apr 3               -Break-
11.       Apr 10             The Final Rebellion (Rev 20:7-10)
12.       Apr 17             Great White Throne of Judgment (Rev 20:11-15)
13.       Apr 24             Heaven – the Eternal State (Rev 21-22)

Class 1 - Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Knowing the End from the Beginning

Introduction and Overview of the End Times


Class Hand-Out Sheet

Class Notes

351 Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ

Class 2 - Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Author, Nature, and Purpose of the book of Revelation

Revelation Chapter 1

                                                      John's Grotto on Patmos


Class Notes

Audio Recording of the Class

Can't get enough? Check out this sermon on Revelation Chapter 1 by John MacArthur

Class 3 - Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The Seven Churches

Revelation 2 and 3

                                         A view of some of the ruins at Ephesus


Class Notes

Audio Recording of the Class

Short video teaching on Rev 3:14-22 in a house church in Laodicea by Richard Liverance

Wednesday, February 7, 2024


See you next week!

Class 4 - Wednesday, February 14, 2024 

The Rapture of the Church

Various Verses


Class Notes

Audio Recording of the Class

Graveside Video Message About Resurrection (leading with music)

Class 5 - Wednesday, February 21, 2024 

A Visit to Heaven and the Title Deed to the Earth

Revelation 4 and 5


Class Notes

Audio Recording of the Class

Revelation 5 - Sermon by John MacArthur, preached Dec 10, 2023

What do Lightning and Thunder represent in the Bible?

Class 6 - Wednesday, February 28, 2024 

Tribulation: The Seal Judgements

Revelation 6 and 7

Required Homework!
* Listen to this BEFORE this week's session - Revelation 6:1-2 - John MacArthur - Feb 11, 2024 *


Class Notes

Audio Recording of the Class

Class 7 - Wednesday, March 6, 2024 

Tribulation: Trumpet Judgements and the Two Witnesses 

Revelation 8 to 11

Suggested Preparation - The Seventh Seal - Audio Message by John MacArthur


Class Notes

Audio Recording of the Class

Class 8 - Wednesday, March 13, 2024 

Tribulation: Beasts, Bowl Judgements, and Babylon Revealed

Revelation 12 to 18

Timely messages from Feb 2024, about what's happening in our society:


Class Notes

Audio Recording of the Class

Class 9 - Wednesday, March 20, 2024 

The Return of Christ and Armageddon

Revelation 19


Class Notes

Audio Recording of the Class

Class 10 - Wednesday, March 27, 2024 

The Millennium

Revelation 20:1-6


Class Notes

Audio Recording of the Class

Air Traffic Time Lapse

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

*Gwinnett Spring Break*

Jet Tour Through Revelation (while you're at the beach!) one hour sermon by John MacArthur

See you next week!

Class 11 - Wednesday, April 10, 2024 

The Final Rebellion

Revelation 20:7-10

The Millennium Day Theory



Class Notes

Audio Recording of the Class

Class 12 - Wednesday, April 17, 2024 

The Great White Throne Judgement

Revelation 20:11-15

End Times Events Timeline Handout


Class Notes

Audio Recording of the Class

Class 13 - Wednesday, April 24, 2024 

Heaven – the Eternal State

Revelation 21-22

Is there an Earth 2.0? (34:36 video)

Are Aliens Demons? (59:05 video)


Class Notes

Audio Recording of the Class


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